What else raises my risk of having a heart attack or stroke if I have diabetes?

Heart illness is ordinary among people with diabetes. Data from the National Heart Association 2012 indicates that 65 per cent of people with diabetes will suffer from some kind of heart attack or stroke. In total, the risk of mortality from heart disease and stroke is more than double as high in people with diabetes .Although all patients with diabetes are more likely to have heart disease, the disorder is more pronounced in those with type 2 diabetes. In realism, heart disease is the most important cause of death for citizens with type 2 diabetes. Other causes that increase your chances to experience heart disease or a stroke if you have diabetes. Smoking Smoking increases the likelihood of heart disease development. If you have diabetes, smoking and diabetes are critical because of the small arteries in your blood. Smoking also raises the risk of contracting additional long-term conditions like lung cancer. Smoking will also weaken the leg blood vessels and increase the risk of ...